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張中倩《Chinese/English Bilingual Court Interpreting: Exploring and Investigating Students’ Learning Outcomes and Behavioral Regulations》

原價 : $ 460
網購價 : $ 414
  1. This book explores and investigates students’ skill acquisition and learning progress in Court Interpreting. Focusing on the language combination of Mandarin Chinese and English, this research project has placed its emphases on two aspects: error analysis in court interpreting renditions and learners’ behavioral regulations in learning task engagement. With the identified frequently-occurred errors, two error taxonomies (into the two designated languages) are established. In addition, the examination of the students’ learning task engagement has shown when the students associated their learning in Court Interpreting with their improvement in language competence, many have become more intrinsically motivated in their learning of interpreting skills.

著者:張中倩 國立臺北大學應用外語學系副教授,亞歷桑那州立大學語言學博士

規格:2020. 8. 25/202頁/ISBN9789869557948








Tables and Figures
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
 2.1 Court Interpreting: Learning from Other Countries
  2.1.1 Interpreting quality and interpretation analysis
  2.1.2 Court interpreting in Taiwan
  2.2 A Brief Review on Error Analysis (EA)
 2.3 Error Analyses on Mandarin Chinese and English as the Language Combination for Translation and Interpretation
  2.3.1 Examining some past error taxonomies (Chinese/English translation and EFL writing)
 2.4 From Learner Beliefs to Self-Regulation and Autonomous Learning
  2.4.1 Learner beliefs
  2.4.2 Self-determination theory (SDT) and learner motivation
  2.4.3 Important factors moving motivation from extrinsic to intrinsic

3. Study Design and Procedures
 3.1 Participants
 3.2 Settings
 3.3 Data Collection Tools
  3.3.1 Rendition transcripts
  3.3.2 Learning survey
  3.3.3 Interview
 3.4 Data Analysis Methods
  3.4.1 Data analysis procedures for RQ1, RQ2 and RQ3
  3.4.2 Data analysis procedures for RQ4 and RQ5
4. Findings and Discussion
 4.1 RQ1: Frequently-Occurred Error Types in English-to-Chinese Renditions
  4.1.1 Misinterpretation (EC1)
  4.1.2 Vagueness in expressions (EC2)
  4.1.3 Incorrect sentence structure (EC3)
 4.2 RQ2: Frequently-Occurred Error Types in Chinese-to-English Renditions
  4.2.1 Errors at the lexical level
  4.2.2 Errors at the syntactic level
 4.3 RQ3: Insight Gained from Interview Questions on Error Analysis
 4.4 RQ4: Students’ Learning Beliefs and Attitudes on the Assigned Tasks
 4.5 RQ5: Students’ Performances in Error Identification/Correction and their RAI Levels
  4.5.1 Insight from the interviews on the students’ learning gains
5. Conclusions, Pedagogical Implications and Future Studies
